The Port Authority of NY & NJ Toll Payer Advocate and staff investigate and address E-ZPass and Tolls by Mail toll issues that the New York Customer Service Center is unable to resolve.
At which Port Authority of NY & NJ facility did your issue occur? (check at least one) * required
The Port Authority operates the bridges and tunnels that connect New Jersey and New York City. The Port Authority of NY & NJ Toll Payer Advocate cannot engage in issues associated with other tolling authorities, such as:
When did you last contact the E-ZPass NY Customer Service Center (800 333-8655 or or the Tolls by Mail Customer Service Center (844 826-8400 or about this toll issue? * required
Method of your last contact with the Customer Service Center * required
Was a resolution offered to you?
Yes No
Provide the following information regarding the vehicle involved
Only one license plate number per box. If more than four, please add the extra license plate numbers in section 5 Tell us about your toll issue below.
Name of Registered Vehicle Owner
License Plate Number 1
License Plate State/Province 1
License Plate Number 2
License Plate State/Province 2
License Plate Number 3
License Plate State/Province 3
License Plate Number 4
License Plate State/Province 4
Please provide the following information(if known)
E-ZPass Tag Number
E-ZPass Account Number
Toll Bill Number
Registered Owner’s Contact Information
* Indicates a required field
Last Name * required
First Name* required
Street Address* required
Street Address 2
City* required
Country* required
USA Canada
State/Province* required
Zip/Postal Code* required
Phone* required
Alternate Phone
E-mail Address* required Invalid
Tell us about your toll issue
Describe the problem you are experiencing and how you tried to resolve it: * required
How can the Toll Payer Advocate help?
Is your vehicle registration currently suspended?
What to expect next:
You will be contacted via Toll Payer Advocate email within 10 business days. Please check your inbox, and/or spam and junk email folders for an update.
Mail: Toll Payer Advocate | 4 World Trade Center | 150 Greenwich Street, 22nd Floor | New York, New York 10007